Tube Bending Simulation
Tube Bending Simulation
Simulate and analyse your tube bending processes
With our software you can ensure that all your bends will work on your machine and that you will always get the perfect result. By simulating the process beforehand, you can always be sure there will be no collisions. Our software generates all CNC data and works hand in hand with our control sofware RAMP to transfer it to the machine inside your pipe-shop. It works with a wide range of bending machines, including mandrel and roller bending machines with multiple bending heads and levels.
- Tube Bending Simulation and Feasibilty Analysis
- Collision Detection and Collision Avoidance Strategies
- Support for multiple Bending Heads and Levels
- Support for Mandrel and Roller Bending Machines
- Generation of customizable Bending Reports
- Generation of CNC Data and Transfer to the Machines
- Import of Tube Geometries from CAD Files (STEP, IGES and more)
- Support for Bending with End Preparations or Flanges
Freeform Manager
- Freeform Bending Simulation of your Machine
- Feasibilty Check & Collision Detection
- Multiple Bending Heads and Levels
- Support of round and profile bending
- Support of Mandrel and Roller Bending Machines
- Generation of CNC Data and Transfer to the Machines
- Import from 3rd party CAD Systems
- Automatic Self Learning Correction based on Measuring System Data